Thursday, January 29, 2015

20 Signs That You May or May Not Be a Mother of Young Children

It's been a while since my last post! Hopefully I can get back into this whole blogging thing. You know when something is in your head and you just have to sit down and write it down or the words are going to take over. Well the other day I literally felt the Lord saying, write these down and the words just kept coming. Hopefully you can identify with, or at least appreciate, or maybe just shake your head at me. And that's ok. You wouldn't be the first to think I was a bit quirky. :) And I know there's a lot here, but stick around for #1, it's my favorite.

20 Signs That You May or May Not Be a Mother of Young Children

21. Nope, it’s not a typo. I did say twenty. But because as a parent you discover sometimes things aren't always perfectly painted inside the lines or exactly like following a step by step rule book. You learn that you have to let go of what other people think of you. Things can be messy and what works for one child might not work for another. Or what works for my child might not work for yours.

20. You swore you would NEVER buy a minivan. But now, you proudly drive it around. And there’s actually a secret elite club of minivan moms.

19. There is also a secret “handshake” so to speak between moms which involves an understanding nod and smile which actually means “Yep, I totally understand what you are going through!”

18. Bribery it not such a bad thing, especially at the grocery store.

17. You make lists to post on Facebook instead of doing the laundry. Or better yet, scan and repin posts about “Laundry Hacks”. And you are pretty sure that laundry and dishes are one of those things that multiply overnight and will never. Ever. EVER! Be Done. EVER!

16. You post so many pictures of your kids on Facebook you’re pretty sure most of your friends have hidden you or unfriended you all together. But oh well, you just keep posting them anyways. And friends that haven’t seen you in a while probably have forgotten what you look like because very rarely do you actually post one of that includes YOURSELF!

15. And of those friends that still remain, you’re not sure anyone will actually read your post. But you still amuse yourself and post it anyways. And your husband comes home and says how was your day, or what did you guys do? And you honestly can’t remember. Or maybe he doesn't think to ask because he already saw what you were up to on his newsfeed.

14. When someone starts to say “Do You Want To” or “I Like To” in your head you automatically think “Build a Snowman?” and “Move It, Move It”. And then the song is stuck in your head for the rest of the day and you wake at 3 am still singing it.

13. Some of your favorite Bible verses have become “Honor Your Father and Mother” and “Children Obey Your Parents” and you post them on your children’s walls. And you may not have truly known what it was to “Pray Without Ceasing” until you realize you cannot do this whole parenting thing all on your own and need to pray and pray some more! And sometimes all you can manage to pray is “God Help Me!” And you learn to appreciate your parents in a whole new way!

12. You used to dress in cute clothes but now picking out an outfit consists of which color of hoodie and which pair of sneakers to wear today. And your daughter is better dressed than you most days.

11. Getting a little ”Me Time” is locking yourself in the bathroom and turning up the music loud. And you imagine the shower is really a waterfall and the pounding on the door is actually the sound of drums beating from an exotic tribe in the distance.

10. ”Fixing your hair” includes two options – braid or bun. You like to mix it up, at least once a week. And you are pretty sure that every time you wash your hair, at least half of it has fallen out and that someday soon you’ll just to shave the rest of it off anyways.

9. ”If” you are wearing makeup, it must mean that its Mom’s Group Day, not because you are trying to impress anybody, but because you are so excited to have adult conversation it’s like a little midweek celebration.

8. You are proud of yourself for making a homemade dinner vs coming from a bag. But it may or may not have come from a box or can. But hey, at least it’s “made at home” right? That counts.

7. You go to the store with all three children and are so focused on asking them to put items back that they think they “need” or keeping them from running off. And when you get home you realize you did not buy the item you went to the store for in the first place.

6. You can read certain children’s books from front to back with your eyes closed because you’ve read them so many times. And you know there is a day coming soon when you won’t be able to get away with “make your own story up as you go” for books with more than 10 words per page when your child wants to read “just one more book” at half an hour past their bedtime. Tell me I’m not the only one who does that!

5. By 2 pm, you are light headed and cranky and realize you fed your children lunch, or at least you are pretty sure you did, but forgot about getting yourself something to eat.

4. You have finally come to conclusion that cereal is a perfectly acceptable meal for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.

3. Watching your husband hold your baby makes you love them even more and means more to you than any box of chocolates or bouquet of roses (although both of those are still very much appreciated! And wanted.)

2. You look forward to bedtime every night. And never knew such a little person could make you so angry or crazy! But when you sneak into their room after they have fallen asleep, you actually kind of miss them.

1. And even though you are more tired beyond what you could have ever comprehend, your heart is so full with love beyond what you could have ever imagined for these little people that call you mom. When you hold your baby or cuddle your young child you feel like you are holding your heart on the outside, and you wish you could just freeze that moment forever. And when they crawl up on your lap and tell you “Mom, I love you” you feel like your heart will literally burst. You wouldn't trade the baby spit up shirt, the messy hair, the bags under your eyes, the sticky floor, the toys scattered everywhere for anything (although a maid would be nice). Someone told me when I had my first son that being a mom would be the hardest job I’d ever love. And they were so right. I love it. I treasure being a mom. It is what I wanted to grow up to be. I wouldn't trade it. Not one minute. I treasure the place where I am. Right.Now.Right.Here. Thank you Lord for giving these babies and that you chose me to be their mom.