Monday, January 9, 2012

Goals, or Not to Goals, That is the Question?!

I was recently asked to write about my New Years resolutions. Honestly when midnight hit on New Year's morning, I was asleep in bed. And the next day, I didn't really want to proclaim "These are my resolutions!" But I do like the idea of setting Goals for myself. 

So these are my 2012 Goals!

Do I have any New Year’s resolutions? What are they?
I have several goalsI have made for myself for 2012. 

*Get more organized and stay that way! Clear out the clutter and keep what we need. Sell or donate what we don't!

*Make a menu each week and limit our eating out.

*Read my Bible & pray more!

*Potty train my almost 3 year old! Enough said there! LOL!

*BLOG MORE!!! :-)

*Start working out and eat healthier so I can feel better physically and have a better self confidence of how I look. And hopefully gain more energy and lose weight in the process!!!

In previous years I have made resolutions and then not stuck with them. I was gung-ho in January & February and then slowly faded after that. I figure if I set a goal but also give a little wiggle room and don't beat myself up if I fall off the track and have to get back on, that will just be part of making positive changes as long as I try to stick with it for the long haul. Hopefully that makes sense! :-)

What is the biggest goal you want to accomplish this year?

Probably my biggest goal for 2012 is to remember to savor the moments with my children.

Wyatt & Levi - Christmas Morning 2011
As my boy's birthday's are approaching next month and they will be turning 2 & 3, it has just really hit me that my little babies are getting bigger and aren't so much "baby" anymore! I know they are still small, but I just can't believe how fast time is going by. At times life is so crazy, but I want to remember to take step back mentally and just soak up these precious moments when they are still small and at home with me! I love being a mom and pouring my love into my children. And I want to teach them more about God who loves them too!! I think that is the greatest thing we can do!

1 comment:

  1. I smile as I read this because my list looks so much like yours! I started making a menu last year, and it helped cut down on eating out and on the amount of food we were wasting - both are wonderful consequences.

    Here are a couple of verses that I go back to often as I seek to accomplish my goals - hope they're an encouragement to you to keep on keeping on :)

    Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. [Proverbs 16:3]

    And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ! [Colossians 3:23-24]
