Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Love My Boys

Got the boys both in bed and asleep, phew! I love the peace and quiet in the house. Wyatt keeps waking up a couple times a night so I'm looking forward to when he sleeps through the night again. Lots of adjustments to get used to from sleeping in a different room - in a crib, deciding he doesn't want to be swaddeled anymore and insisting he is going to sleep on his tummy.

So life right now is all about my boys: My Husband, My Son Levi & My Son Wyatt. When I shop in stores, it's for the boys, when I shop online it's about my boys, when I update my facebook status it is typically about my boys. =) I would much rather buy clothes and toys for them than anything for myself! I love my little family.

Wyatt's therapist came this morning. She is super nice. The last couple times she's come both boys have been asleep so we've just talked about how Wyatt is doing. But this time she was able to see him and he is doing really good. I was bummed, but already knew, that he is delayed in a couple areas - he can't sit unsupported by himself yet (until tonight!) and isn't starting to crawl, bring legs up to that position, etc yet. But he is rolling and has great support when he is on his tummy, able to grab toys in front and off to the side and transfer. She gave me a couple pointers to work on and was pleased with how he's doing. I'm not too worried because Levi didn't sit by himself without any support until 9 months! And it was actually quite funny tonight because Wyatt was sitting unsupported for 4 or 5 minutes at a time before he'd lose balance and tip over. He just needed a little more practice throughout today I guess! And he's getting closer to crawling. He kinda scoots.

I am looking forward to Thursday night which is a Ladies get together at our church. Which reminds me that I need to do my homework! I accidentally left my binder on top of our mini van last Sunday and of course it flew off and landed on busy Thain Rd. Thank goodness my cousin rescued it and left me a msg asking if it was mine. Silly Me! Lucky it didn't get run over! Then Friday night is another date night with my hubby! Yay! 

I am also looking forward to the Nez Perce County Fair this weekend. We are just around the corner from it so we can walk there. My niece and nephew take pigs and I am hoping to see them show them this year. Levi loved the petting zoo last year so I am excited to take him and Wyatt again this year. Thinking I'm going to have to have Isaac along though cuz Levi is probably going to try to chase the goats and geese around. Might be feathers and poop flying all over! =)

A sermon a couple weeks ago was a good reminder - so basic, yet so impacting in my life. In order to have a good marriage/life I have to have my primary focus on Jesus. It's amazing because since I've been doing that these last couple weeks, I have an even greater love for my husband and children, a greater measure of patience and forgiveness too. It's amazing when you have your priorities in the right order how life seems to fall into place. Not to say it is without moments of frustration and chaos, but I seem to be able to handle things a little easier and feel more calm when the boys are screaming and when everyone needs something  "Right Now!" =) Something I read once, JOY = Jesus, Others, You. Take Care & Goodnight from the Mini Van Mom!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about Wyatt's sitting and crawling either. Nate was 9 or 10 months when he started crawling and he didn't sit up until after started crawling. You know he is fine now!! I think he's just not as ambitious... LOL! Love you cuz!
