Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Fair

Today was the final day of the Nez Perce County Fair. I made it three out of the four days and loved it! It is right around the corner from our house so I was able to just load the boys up in the double stroller and take a little walk to the fair. I still get so excited for it. We didn't do any carnival rides this year, maybe next, but we did go to the petting zoo today.

Isaac came along today, for an hour, dragging his feet, but he did come. He stood outside the petting zoo with Wyatt (asleep in the stroller) and videoed while I chased after Levi and attempted to take pictures. Unfortunately our camera was on the wrong setting so most my pictures are blurry - plus they were action shots anyways because Levi was running around like a little chicken! When we first came in he ran up to a goat and grabbed him by both horns and laughed, then ran over to the watering trough and put his arm up to his armpit soaking his sleeve, and then started picking up sawdust throwing it like confetti - laughing the entire time. LOL! I tried to stop the confetti but ended up getting showered with it all over my hair and down my shirt. He cracks me up! I also tried to show him how we feed the goats carrot chunks and handed him one to feed the goat but he put it directly in his mouth. hahaha =) That's my boy!

After that we walked around a little more and by around the half hour mark of being there, both Isaac and Levi were about done. So we decided to grab a couple philly cheese's to eat before we left. But Levi refused to sit quietly in the stroller so Isaac was chasing after him when along came my sister and her family! Great timing! So my niece Jenny chased after Levi, Mindy fed Wyatt a bottle, and Isaac and I actually got to eat our sandwiches! There were a couple cowboy (a man & his wife I guess) singing in the grass walkway. Levi ran right up to them mesmerized! He LOVES music! He actually made them forget the words! They thought he was pretty cute! I have to agree!

I got to see my niece Jenny & nephew Tyson show their pigs on Thur & Fri and they both got blues for quality and fitting/showing. It was fun showing Levi the animals up close that I read to him about. He calls the cows "moos" of course but also called the pigs "moos."  (I think it's based on one of our favorite books "Moo, Baa, La La La" in which it starts out - and I can recite by heart - "A Cow Says Moo." "A Sheep Says Baa." "And Three Singing Pigs Say La, La, La." It's a wonder he didn't say lalala I guess, haha.) Too cute! And he called the chickens "cheep-cheeps."

Well, think it's time once again for me to say Goodnight from a Mini Van Mom!

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