Saturday, September 18, 2010

Walk Barefoot in My House at Your Own Risk!

Between sticky floors in the kitchen from freshly squeezed pear juice thanks to Levi in addition to apple juice and various other sticky and crumby particulates I am warning you that you might not want to walk barefoot in my house at the moment - I know! I am a flip flop and barefoot kind of gal and it drives me crazy when I walk across stickiness and crumbs.

I really debated on whether to just relax and sit down at the computer or vaccuum and mop the floors. Guess you know which one won! =) There's always tomorrow. Another long, but good day.  I am so usual....But the noises from the boy's room have become quiet, the toys have been picked up in the living room, Isaac is downstairs playing the new Halo Reach video game and I have my thoughts all to myself.

I admit, when I started this blog over a month ago, I had high hopes of sitting down every night, or at least a couple times a week, after I put the boys to bed and entering a quick blurp about the adventures of the day. But no, a month later and I am finally picking it up again. I don't even have the excuse of having a broken computer. In fact, we have 3 working computers not including the two non-working computers. You might call that a bit excessive but one is specifically our "tv" computer. We no longer have cable as of more than a year ago and use it to watch Netflix streaming & Hulu on our tv. The second which I am using now is our laptop, missing a few keys and redecorated with seven, I just counted, pink vertical lines across the screen - all thanks to Levi. The third is my "work" computer but I don't use it much as it sits in the basement and it easier to do my work from this laptop that is portable and I do most of my advertising work from here in the living room. So as you can see, they all have their own purposes. No we don't have any plans to get rid of any of them. The other two, one our old home computer, the other my old work computer that I need to return to our office.

Wow, that was really, really boring. Sorry! I don't know why I went off on a tangent about our computers. I think I am really tired! LOL!  So the boys, what are they doing these day?.... Levi is 19 months, Wyatt is 7 months. Both are adorable and I am their biggest fan! They bring me so much joy. I am so thankful to be their mom! I just about go crazy sometimes when they are both crying and demanding food or attention at the same time. A lady told me before I had Wyatt to treat them in a lot of ways as twins and that was good advice. I try to keep them on the same schedule. Diapers, feeding, naps, baths, bed time, even down to their nail clippings. Most days they both take a 2.5-3 hour nap in the afternoon. It is awesome! That is when I get a lot of my advertising work done and fit in my other hours when they are playing or watching a Veggie Tales. Thank God for Veggie Tales!! =)

The one change over this last month is that both boys are sleeping in the same room, most nights. I almost gave up tonight because they were both having a hard time settling down. But I stuck to my guns and let them both fuss for about 10 minutes, and then quiet....ahhhh......! The sweet victories of mommyhood!  Wyatt keeps me guessing on whether he is going to sleep through the night or not. He sleeps until 6 some nights but typical is 4 am or 5 like this morning.  But the good thing is he usually, hoping I'm not going to jynx myself here, he usually will go back to sleep for another couple hours after that.

Levi is like a little copy cat. He will repeat, in his own little language, what I or Isaac says. He loves the word "ball" and uses it for of course a ball, lights, and pretty much anything round including buttons, beads on jewelry, etc.  He says "Good Job!" after he's done something right or made a toy work right. I say that to him a lot and I love that he has picked it up.  He says "Thank You" but you have to listen close to that one. I can understand some of his words because they sound the same every time. One of his very favorite words, and people, is Dada! And he loves his brother "De-dah" which is very close to dada but there is a distinct difference. The other night it was so sweet because I was cuddling with both of them. They were talking and cooing back and forth at each other, holding hands. I was soaking up the moment. Then all of a sudden I look down and Levi was biting Wyatt's finger. So our sweet moment quickly turned to chaos as Wyatt shrieked and screamed cries of betrayal and pain and Levi cried because I had to scold him. Already acting like brothers! Levi really is sweet to his brother though. He will come up and give him a hug, put the pacifier back in his mouth when it falls out, bring him a toy and then also take it away. And the other day I caught him bringing a book over to Wyatt and "reading" it to him. =)

Levi is always watching and observing what we are doing. It makes me stay on alert! I've heard it said that little children are like sponges soaking up everything around them.  I pray I can be the best parent I can be! Both my boys are so sweet and even at such a young age seem to have such tender little hearts. The precious smiles that Wyatt gives me. And I love Levi coming up and giving me a hug.

Wyatt is rolling now and getting closer to crawling. With a very active toddler running around, I didn't have Wyatt on a blanket for tummy or blanket time nearly enough. It's really only been in the last little over a month that I've had him on the ground. Levi is getting better about not just running up and pouncing on him. So Wyatt's catching up. As far as development he is right on track. No worries there which is awesome! Wouldn't guess he had such a rough start!

Isaac and I got to go on a date night last night to Red Lobster. It was fun! We both had shrimp & lobster tail. I'm so glad he's decided he doesn't mind eating seafood. I've always liked it, except for when I got food poisoning from shrimp about 6 years ago. Took me a while to eat it again but glad I've got my taste for it back. 

Our church, Confluence Community Church (check us out at - Side Note: We'd love to have you come visit!! Casual Dress, Friendly People! 651 Thain Rd, Lewiston - 9 AM) is doing a marriage series which I am really excited about. One of the neat things is they are providing childcare at the church for 4 Friday nights so the couples can go on a date night. Yay! It is amazing how disconnected you can become just with life in general but especially when you are caring for wee ones. Energy is low and what energy you have is used up on caring for little cutie pies that need your attention A LOT! =) 

It was nice to have an hour and half out on the town with my Zacky (sorry a term of endearment reserved just for me) ;) to laugh and talk. I am so thankful for my husband. I know we don't always get along but life is always interesting with him around. Life would get pretty boring if we always agreed on everything. Marriage is hard work let me tell ya! Next month we'll have been married 8 years. Can't say they've all been "bliss" but they've all been worth it.  And Zacky if you ever read this, which I highly doubt you will, but if you do, I LOVE YOU! SHMILY! (see how much I love you - something we used to write to each other on the mirror or little scraps of paper when were first dating/married and still do occassionally)

(Oh, just had to run in and pop Wyatt's pacifier back before he woke his brother up from his crying! Keeping my fingers crossed that he goes back to sleep!!)

In conclusion, haha, I just thought it'd be funny to say that. I also thought it would be funny to title this blog entry "IT'S ABOUT BLOGGIN' TIME!" ya know cuz it's been over a month since I last blogged but then I though, maybe that is offensive...So now by the time I am wrapping this one up I've decided I'm too tired to worry about whether it is or not. =) Cuz if you're still actually reading this you're probably just about to fall asleep too! Good Night from the Mini Van Mom!

P.S. You gotta watch this video!! LOL!!!

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