Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bored So I'll Blog

I've "felt" bored all day even though I've been busy watching and taking care of the kids. I wanted to "do" something. But nothing too exciting happened today....

I think I'd like to go shopping but all the good stores are closed by now. I was looking on which was fun but I HAVE to try things on these days! So maybe tomorrow I can get Isaac to watch the boys for a couple hours (probably while they are napping, haha) while I go out for some much needed me time! I got a coupon in the mail today for JCPenney 2 Day Only sale tomorrow and Monday. Maybe I'll have to go! Even though I really don't enjoy clothes shopping like I used to. Not as much fun to dress this post-baby body. :( But it'd still be fun to find some fall weather clothing because for the last two falls I was pregnant and well, I'm not quite back into the pre-Levi sizes. Almost, but not quite.

If I could just be disciplined enough to lose an extra 10-15 pounds (40 would be my ideal weight loss) I would probably double my wardrobe choices. But instead they are packed away, labeled in totes, or hanging in my closet just waiting...I was so motivated the beginning of this summer. I was walking and working out every day, watching what I was eating, cutting out sugars. But I think I just go so frustrated that I wasn't losing much weight that I got discouraged and quit all together. Now we're headed into fall when it's going to be even harder to get out to walk. I keep watching Biggest Loser every week (on hulu of course) and I feel motivated for that hour and half when I'm watching it! I've got to get some kind of kick in the butt to motivate myself to get in shape and lose weight!

I know I've blogged about this kind of stuff before so sorry for the redundancy. I guess it's just been on my mind so much lately. Isaac & I are coming up on our anniversary this coming week so I've been looking back at pictures of us when we were first dating and married. We look so young, fresh, skinny!!! Quite a change from what I see in pictures of myself now. Although, I am very, very happy. That part hasn't changed! In fact, I think the happiness just keeps growing year after year. =)

I took the boys outside this afternoon to play and enjoy one of our last warmer days of autumn. Wyatt had fun spinning around in his excersaucer and Levi ran around in the yard picking up sticks, eating leaves and attempting to eat a rock or two (but Mommy's always watching!), and digging in the dirt. He cracks me up! I had to give him a bath as soon as we came back inside because he had decided it would be fun to dig in the dirt with his bare hands and then throw it up in the air all over himself. Yes, very fun indeed. Until it got down his shirt and into his diapers. He came over and grabbed the blanket I had with us for Wyatt and started wiping the front of his shirt trying to get the dirt off from inside his shirt! Then he was kinda doing this funny dance as the dirt had made it's way inside his diaper. And he was scratching his head where his once beautiful blonde locks were now the color of dirt.

After a fun-filled ten minutes of combing and scrubbing and hosing him down in the tub as he screamed at the tops of his lungs and cried alligator tears, he was clean and back to his towheaded self. For some reason, he HATES bathtime now! I don't know what happened. Part if it could be that when he was about 9 months old, after battle-ing one flare up of eczema after another, the pediatrician advised I only give him a bath twice a week instead of every night. He used to love bath time when he was a baby and even up until he was one. But maybe having days in between baths it wasn't a set nightly routine anymore and it threw his schedule off or something? I don't know. I just know that bath nights are not my favorite two nights of the weeks, typically Tuesdays & Saturdays. But Wyatt still likes his bath. I give them their baths separately because I figure Wyatt would start not liking his baths if he was in their with his screaming brother!

Oh my little rabbit trails. But when you get my started talking about my boys, it's hard to get me to stop!  So back to my feeling bored today. I have so many projects I want to do, mostly cleaning and organizing. But that didn't sound like fun so I didn't do any of that. I thought about scrapbooking but most of my supplies are buried and I didn't want to start something and then have the boys wake up half way through a page. So, no, didn't do that either. I was caught up on my shows on hulu and I had already goofed off enough on facebook, and I was tempted to get a jump start on my advertising work for this next week cuz it's going to be super busy, but I don't get paid for working weekends, so I decided to work on a Thank You flyer for the Deaconess Hospital NICU nursing staff and doctors where Wyatt stayed for the first 3 1/2 weeks of his little life. And that's what I did. I've been going to work on something for them for literally months now, but just always find something else to do. I have it pretty much ready to print and mail but might have a couple little changes before I send it. There were certain nurses that cared for Wyatt that became very dear to my heart. They were there with him round the clock when I couldn't always be. I thank God for them!

Time flies when you're bloggin! LOL! Isaac and his friend Tim (from Portland) are downstairs playing Halo so I'm debating on whether I should go to bed now or surf facebook for a while longer. But I would probably toss and turn and toss and turn until midnight like I do just about every other night! I don't know what my deal is?!! I am utterly exhauted but I lay there and just CAN'T fall asleep! And the more you "think" about falling asleep, the more you can't settle down and actually drift off!

I can't think of anything incredibly interesting to surf the web for at the moment. Any fun sites that you know of? Which sites do you like to visit? I like to look at our local craigslist ads but already checked those a couple times today with nothing too exciting. Maybe I'll just google interesting websites to surf, although that might come up with a search that is NOT exactly what I am looking for! Hmmm, maybe I'll check out music and see if there are any intersting new artists or any favorites that have new albums out. Which speaking of, I was really disappointed that Linkin Park's new cd has a Parental Advisory sticker on it! What?! I really like their older albums but I am not going to spend my money on a cd that has one of those stickers! So frustrating when really good artists think they have to cross over to the dark side! Yes, you may think I'm a prude, but I have a feeling there are others out there that feel the same way. Makes me curious if they actually sell more albums or not...

I guess that's enough ranting from me tonight. I've probably put you, my one blog reader, to sleep by now! So Goodnight once again from the Mini Van Mom!



    This is my favorite website to peruse when I'm bored (yes, I have those days too). It's pictures of what people create out of old "junk". It's either that or the ikea website.

  2. Thanks Emily! I bookmarked it and will have to check it out. Ikea, I've never been to the store but I've heard it's amazing! I'll have to check out the website! Hadn't thought of that! =)
