Saturday, October 23, 2010

Clean Sweep

I've been a cleaning fool this last week! Spring cleaning in the fall I guess. =) The one thing that has been set on the back burner while trying to keep up with two kids and just life in general is the cleaning. Oh, I vacuum and  sweep and mop and keep up with laundry and the basics of life but that deep cleaning down on your hands and knees kind of cleaning honestly hasn't been done since before I got pregnant with Levi.

So this last week I have tackled our hallway area that was a mess with boxes full of stuff that needed to be sorted and put in it's place, overhauled and organized our bedroom - and found a brand new pair of jeans I forgot I had purchased a month or two ago, yay! - deep cleaned our master bathroom, which sadly was in dire need of a pressure wash so I scrubbed it from top to bottom, literally; and I wiped and washed every square inch of our kitchen today, minus the cupboards. I had to save something to do for next week. LOL! It is amazing though, how good it makes you feel overall, when you're house is clean. It is like a breath of fresh air, haha. I couldn't think of anything better. =)

Next week, I will have to tackle the boys' room which has been taken over by totes full of their clothes which I need to sort and store the ones that are either too small or too big. The funny thing is some of the clothes that Levi has just outgrown are just moved over to Wyatt's dresser. Little Mr. Wyatt is catching up to his brother. Levi wears size 5 diapers and 18-24 months clothes. Wyatt wears size 4 diapers and sizes 9-12 months. I am bit obsessed with dressing the boys alike. I always wanted to have twins so this is about as close as it gets without having an actual set of twins. =) I have gotten matching pjs and matching shirts in sizes 12 & 24 months lately. Lots of fun! =)

The boys are doing well sharing a room and both sleeping through the night, most nights. Although I will probably jinx myself again by even mentioning it because I was telling a friend the other night how well they were doing and that very night Wyatt woke up in the middle of the night and just kept fussing so I finally got up and fed him. He did go back to sleep pretty quickly so I shouldn't complain much. Oh and I got a weird phone call on my cell phone from Ohio (which I didn't answer) while I was up with him so I would have been woken up anyways. When you get a call like that in the middle of the night you always think the worst so I was relieved that it wasn't someone I knew. And I would have been a lot more peeved if it had woken me up!

I found out today that my jury duty has been postponed until July 2011 like I requested which I was happy about. Not the actual serving part, but the postponement party. I had written them a letter explaining my situation and asking for postponement until summertime so my sister & mom will be out of school and could watch my boys but after three weeks or so having not heard back I figured that I was going to have to serve. But I was happily surprised to see the postcard today with the good news!

Also, I am super duper excited for my birthday coming up in two weeks! I will be the BIG 3-0! I am not exactly excited about the age, but I always get really stoked for MY DAY! As a mom and wife it is always about my boys, so I guess I feel like it's ok to have one day of the year that is all about ME! hehe =) And this year, I am going to order cupcakes from my cousin Jessi (business name JessiCakes ;). I have literally been drifting off to sleep thinking about cupcakes. I have been trying to cut back on sweets lately. But, these are a good exception. I've been trying to decide which flavors to order. I know the chocolate/peanut butter for sure, then probably the lemon/raspberry, and also the cappucino. She has these cute little baby cakes so that's why I am getting more than one kind. And no, I'm not eating them all myself. My parents and sister Mindy's family will be here for lunch that day so I figured I could send leftovers with them and have some leftover for myself too. =)

I have been having a hard time falling asleep lately, well not as much the last couple nights after cleaning so hard. But in the last couple weeks I have. I think one of the reasons is reading about a sweet little baby girl named Cailey Anna who was  born a little under two weeks ago who went through the same trauma that Wyatt did - wasn't breathing at birth, etc  and went through the 72 hour cooling process. But she hasn't been responding. I tear up as I write this. Things are not going positively like they did for my little Wyatt. I had written a message or two of encouragement to the parents and it just breaks my heart because I just knew that she would come around like my little guy did, but she hasn't. So if you pray, please pray for little Cailey Anna. She has a fan page on facebook if you'd like to visit it.

I have looked at Wyatt differently I think in this last week or so. I have hugged him even tighter and kissed him more than ever. I mean I knew that things could have been so much different for us but I have tried in a lot of ways to put that stuff behind me because it hurts too much to dwell on it. Lately, I think I have been having a bit of anxiety attacks just thinking about just how different it really could be now eight months later. He is such a perfect, happy little guy. I love him so much! I don't ever want to take for granted just how truly blessed we are. Thank you God for answering so many prayers and performing the miracles you did in my precious baby boys' life. I am eternally grateful.

Speaking of Wyatt. He is 8 months now and getting more mobile. He can roll, creep, and pivot his way around the floor - even pulling half his body up onto the ladder and toy chest. He's not quite "crawling" yet but so close. He sits and plays with toys contentedly until Levi comes up and takes one of his toys. Then he screams at the top of his lungs! I think I am going to be buying duplicates of toys for Christmas and birthdays. Which speaking of birthday, with theirs just being one day apart, it'll be fun while they are little to have their parties on the same day. It'll probably be to our and their advantage because they both can open presents. I drove through McDonalds tonight and saw their play area and got all excited thinking maybe I could have their b-day party there in February. Or maybe not. But it's going to be so fun.

I just LOVE having two boys. I would still love to have a little girl someday. I kinda start to panic thinking about delivery of a baby #3 but I don't want to be done because of what we went through with Wyatt. Yes, you might think I'm crazy to even think about having another one someday. But maybe, in a few years of course when we're ready and life isn't quite as crazy, crazy, crazy as it is now, and we are ready for baby #3, it will be a healing thing to have a healthy and safe delivery. I was looking at pictures of Levi when he was first born and remembering the joy of that day, even after 26 hours of labor and being so exhausted. I have a hard time looking at pictures of Wyatt when he was first born though. I don't mind seeing the ones after he is home and healthy again. Maybe I just need to give it more time. I feel a bit robbed I guess sometimes. I wanted that fun experience and memory of having my sister bring Levi into the hospital wearing his "Big Brother in Training" shirt that I had ordered especially for him and meeting his little brother for the first time. But it didn't play out like that. And yet, I am so thankful, because it could have played out far worse.

I'm sorry, I don't know why I am going off on this. It might be a bit depressing! But these things well up inside me and it feels good to get them out. Maybe I'll be able to fall asleep easier tonight. So thank you for reading, if you still are. Farewell and Goodnight from the Mini Van Mom. =)

1 comment:

  1. Those totes full of clothes that need to be sorted haunt my thoughts! At one point I had 6 totes and 4 kids that needed their clothes "changed out" don't get me wrong I love saving money by saving clothes but it is DAUNTING!
